The institute of research
for ceramics
Located in the heart of France, in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, IRCER innovates in the development of very high-tech ceramics to meet new industrial and societal challenges (energy, information and communication technologies, health, eco-materials…).
Our latest news
Symposium on Advances in Thermal Spray and PVD Coatings for the Aerospace Industries
Du 12 au 14 novembre, l’IRCER a eu l’honneur d’organiser le congrès “Navigating a Greener Sky".
IRCER organizes a seminar dedicated to Sustainable Development
Ce mercredi 23 octobre, l'IRCER a organisé un séminaire dédié au développement durable.
Co-publishing of a special issue on preceramic polymers
L'IRCER co-édite un numéro spécial sur les polymères précéramiques, qui sera publié dans le Journal of the American Ceramic Society (JACerS).
New strategy for SiC 3D printing
Dans un article paru dans la revue Advanced Materials, des scientifiques de l’IRCER proposent une voie chimique d’élaboration de céramiques couplée à un procédé d’impression 3D.
A new agreement signed between the University of Limoges and IIT in the Philippines
Le mercredi 15 novembre, l’IRCER a eu l’honneur d’accueillir Mme Jinky Bornales et le Chancellor M. Alizedney Ditucalan, de l’IIT aux Philippines.
Our research axes
AXIS 1 - Innovative ceramic processes
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AXIS 2 - Plasma and laser processes
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AXIS 3 - Multiscale structural organization of materials
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AXIS 4 - Ceramics under environmental stresses
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IRCER in figures
Members (researchers, associate professors, engineers, technicians, PhD students et post-doctoral fellows)
Technological platforms: CARMALIM, SAFIR
Joint laboratories with CEA Le Ripault, IMERYS, SAFRAN and OERLIKON
International Research Projects (IRP) : FRESH, B3Lab
Start-ups created and 26 patents, including 6 exclusive licenses and 2 property transfers since 2005
Laboratory of Excellence ∑-LIM with XLIM
Industrial partnerships and collaborations for a ceramics industry of excellence
The institute of research for ceramics has a wealth of experience, with academic and industrial partnerships at both national and international levels. Some long-term partnerships have led to the creation of joint laboratories.
Industrial research contracts account for a quarter of the laboratory’s annual budget, representing its main financial resource.
The Institute contributes to the development of ceramic research in France and abroad: physical deposition processes using plasmas and/or lasers, sol-gel processes, 2D/3D digital printing, non-conventional sintering processes, stereolithography, materials chemistry, biology, etc.