IRP and European projects

In addition to its national roots, IRCER has numerous international collaborations, notably through European projects such as:

The Institut de Recherche sur les Céramiques (IRCER) is coordinator of an International Research Project CNRS (IRP) FRESH (Functional inoRganic matErials for global Societal cHallenges) with the Nagoya Institute of Technology in Japan (2019-2023). It is also a partner in an IRP coordinated by the Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse (IS2M) IRP BRESIL 2021-2025: “B3lab: Biointerfaces, Biominerals, Biomaterials” with the Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF, Rio de Janeiro).

IRCER is also a member of the Europe Makes Ceramics (co-founder) network of European academic players in the field of ceramic additive technologies, and of the FIRE (Refractories) global network.