Axe 2 – Plasma and laser processes

Development of plasma and laser processing including fundamental and applied approaches. At the interface of plasma process physics and condensed matter physics, our scientific approach leads to the synthesis of deposits with specific properties and the creation of functional objects from the nanometric to the millimetric scale, thanks to complementary laboratory equipment and the SAFIR coating platform for research and industry. This platform was created in parallel with the PROTHEÏS joint laboratory with Safran and Oerlikon.

Scientific approach
– Understanding of the elementary processes in plasmas using physical and numerical modeling and plasma diagnostics
– Definition of the growth mechanisms for better knowledge and control of the deposited materials
– Introduction of innovative materials in functional devices, systems and objects for improved performances
– Deposit preparation, characterization and process/property relationships

Three research themes
– Process design and optimization
– Elementary plasma-phase and surface processes
– Functional films and deposits and intelligent materials

Fields of application
Energy, aeronautics, environment, health, transport, information and communication technologies

Axis manager: Vincent RAT | All axis members

Thermal spraying

Coordinator: Simon Goutier

Thermal spraying processes
Modeling/Simulation of plasma arc torches and plasma spraying processes
Plasma and particle diagnostics
Aeronautical coatings (thermal and environmental barriers, anti-CMAS), antibacterial and virucidal coatings

Laboratory processes: Plasma spraying of powders, suspensions, precursor solutions, Plasma Spray PVD, flame spraying, aerosol spraying
SAFIR platform processes: plasma spraying, HVOF, HVAF, low- and high-pressure dynamic cold spraying

Thin films and nanostructures

Coordinator: Cédric JAOUL

Plasma- and laser-assisted vapor deposition processes and non-equilibrium plasmas, characterization
Generation of nanoparticles in gas phase
Micro and nanostructured thin films, single or multilayer
Smart materials for electronics and photonics / Integration into micrometric components
Coatings for surface durability (wear, erosion, corrosion)

Laboratory processes: low-pressure and atmospheric pressure microwave PECVD (Axial Injection Torch), confocal magnetron sputtering (DC and RF) coupled with in-flight nanoparticle generator, laser ablation (3 deposition chambers, coupled with nanoparticle generator, KrF (248nm) and YAG (532nm) excimer lasers).
SAFIR platform processes: arc evaporation, magnetron sputtering, HIPIMS