We would like to congratulate Mrs. Aliz PINTO MORA and M. Robert KACZMAREK, who have performed excellent oral presentations during the UNITECR (Unified International Technical Conference of Refractories) Conference (http://unitecr2019.org/) , which was held in Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, from October 13th to 16th. They received two of the 17 Excellent Presentation Awards dedicated to young researchers.
Aliz is working at IRCER (Axes 1-3-4) in partnership with SAFRAN Group on « Optimizing Thermomechanical Properties of Investment Casting Shell Molds ».
Robert has received this award for his work entitled “Thermomechanical Behaviour of an Alumina Spinel Refractory for Steel Ladle Applications” which is a collaboration between the University of Limoges (IRCER, Axe 4) and the University of Orléans within the framework of the EU project ATHOR.